Creative Director + Art Director + Writer

The Kennedys @ WKNY

“The Kennedys” is Wieden + Kennedy’s paid, network-wide incubator program named after David Kennedy.
The mission is to find and develop curious, inventive, unique creative talent with no prior advertising experience so W+K can better reflect the culture of New York City. Over 8 months, we work with them to develop experimental work for clients like McDonald’s, FanDuel, Anheuser-Busch, United24, TedX, Polaroid and Nutrl Seltzer. It was an incredible opportunity to develop this program from the ground up with W+K management and co-run it for two years with Kiara Hidalgo (Y1 + Y2), Laddie Peterson (Y2) and Brad Phifer (Y1).


Year 2 Work Below By:
Anoop, Cory, Kassius, Kenny, Parker, Rachel, Raj, Usra


Year 1 Work Below By:
Anji, Che, Devin, Jasmine, Kester, Madi, Saporah & Tiffany